File consists of copies of council correspondence, minutes, reports and research material re subjects such as racism; sexism; Further Education Sub-Committee; Ethnic Minorities and the Police; education; employment and black youths; Task Force ‘Working with Pensioners’; Tottenham Green detached youth project (eg Saphire Sounds Community Project, single homeless youth); trade unions and black workers; anti-racism groups; Ethnic Minorities Joint Consultative Committee (EMJCC); National Union of Public Employees (NUPE); youth issues eg EMJCC comments and recommendations by Haringey Youth and Community Service re Commission for Racial Equality report entitled ‘Youth in Multi Racial Society’; Tottenham Labour Party; racial harassment and housing estates. Includes originals and copies of council case correspondence re issues of concern in the borough of Haringey such as education, employment and housing.
May 30, 2014
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May 30, 2014
Haringey Council file [discrimination/education/employment issues]