File mainly comprises handwritten correspondence to Bernie Grant from leading figures such as Oona King, Tony Blair, Paul Boateng, William Waldegrave, Barbara Roche, Neil Kinnock, Lord Toby Harris concerning issues such as the Broadwater Farm disturbance, Bernie Grant’s recovery from major heart surgery, Bernie Grant’s marriage to Sharon Lawrence in 1999, the ‘summing up’ of the Stephen Lawrence Inquiry, Bernie Grant’s role as Chair of the Standing Conference on Racial Equality in Europe. Also includes Bernie Grant’s handwritten notes in preparation for an interview about the United States / United Kingdom attack on Iraq, dated c.1999 [As annotated by Sharon Grant, the scrawled notes reveal that by this time, Bernie Grant’s eyesight was very poor and the note had to be written with the aid of a magnifying glass]. Personal medical correspondence and Bernie Grant’s medication list is also contained on file.

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