
File comprises press clippings, leaflets, copies of council correspondence, reports, briefings and research re issues such as: Haringey Youth Aid programme; minutes of the first meeting of the community working party; taskforce; community affairs; racism awareness research; British Nationality bill; Finsbury Park Inquiry; racism; immigration; housing; education; minority ethnic groups and the police; community development; Ethnic Minorities Joint Consultative Committee (EMJCC) papers [eg election of Turkish-Cypriot representatives; list of ethnic minority representatives on the EMJCC]; Wood Green riots July 1987; youth employment; reports of the Further Education Sub-Committee; census / statistics in the ward 1981; ethnic minorities and Haringey; Task Force – ‘Working with Pensioners’; working party report re ethnic minority elderly; Haringey police community relations; papers re black history in Britain eg ‘Race Relations Information Bulletin’ [such as ‘The Mayor of Battersea 1913 – Is he our first Black Mayor?’, ‘Black Settlers in Britain 1555-1958’, list of minority ethnic press and list of minority ethnic organisations and race relations groups in Haringey, dated June 1981].